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Fountain Primary School, Londonderry


16th Sep 2024
Knowing what is coming up in school is really important not just for children, but...
12th Sep 2024
Primary 5/6/7 took a walk to Nailor's Row today to take part in the Queen's University archaeological...
11th Sep 2024
What a great start to the new school year!  The children are settling well into...
6th Sep 2024
P1/2 have had an excellent week learning all about Patterns. We went on a pattern...
2nd Sep 2024
A massive welcome back to everyone in Primary 1/2. Everyone settled so well and had...
29th Aug 2024
Click HERE to read September's Newsletter.
29th Aug 2024
Click HERE for September's Newsletter for Nursery
27th Aug 2024
Please read the letter Mr Torney has written for our return to school tomorrow!