Prospective Nursery and Primary 1 Parents
This page is designed to keep parents updated with recent changes in Open Enrolment for entry to Nursery and Primary 1 in September.
Please take time to read this section:
Additional videos have been added to the Education Authority's website:
Videos & Presentations | Education Authority Northern Ireland (
Please click on the link below for our entrance criteria:
Key admissions dates can be found in the picture below.

Registration of Interest in Admissions
This form should be completed if you are interested in your child coming to Fountain Primary School but are outside the admissions window provided by the Education Authority.
All parents wishing to apply for a Nursery or Primary 1 place during the admissions period set by the Education Authority should do so via the EA website (information provided above).
Fountain Primary School, 18 Hawkin St, Londonderry BT48 6RD Phone: 028 7137 4909