World Book Day
There was lots going on around the school today for World Book Day! Children read, heard, and created stories, as well as a variety of other activities based on books. Some of the older children really enjoyed being story tellers themselves, working with Nursery and P1/2 in the afternoon. We even had some parents visiting the Rainbow Room today!
Primary 3-7 went to Waterstones to hear stories by local author Peter Heaney. While they were there all the children received a goodie bag from Waterstones, which they all appreciated.
Our diorama project was a huge success and we were all so impressed with the work that the children had put in.
All children in school today got given a book token which they can exchange for a book at Waterstones and other retailers.
Fountain Primary School, 18 Hawkin St, Londonderry BT48 6RD Phone: 028 7137 4909