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Fountain Primary School, Londonderry

Uniform Reminder

29th Jan 2025

I just wanted to send a quick message to ask parents to keep a close eye on uniform.

Over the last few weeks, I have noticed that there have been a lot more children coming to school with shoes/trainers that are not black. On PE days, your child should still be wearing plain black trainers. This was clearly outlined at the end of last year before children returned to school in September, giving parents plenty of notice before buying uniform for this year.
If something happens to your child’s school shoes and you need to replace them, I understand that there may be a short period of time where your child is not in school shoes. If this is the case, please fill in the form online to let your class teacher know.

On health and safety grounds, children should not wear any jewellery to school. The exception to this is plain stud earrings. We have seen a huge increase in bangles, bracelets, rings, necklaces and hoop earrings and with how active a child’s day is, wearing these is not appropriate for school.
Children may wear a watch to school, but there may be times when they are asked to remove it e.g. during PE. If your child comes to school wearing jewellery, they will be asked to remove it and it will be placed in a money bag which they can keep in their schoolbag until they go home.

Thank You
Mr Torney