Access Keys:

Fountain Primary School, Londonderry


27th Jun 2024

After tomorrow, the school will no longer be using Seesaw as a form of communication. Seesaw was incredibly effective when we first started using it during COVID. It allowed parents to quickly and easily communicate with teachers and get instant responses as well as enable teachers to upload work for children to complete. We stopped using it for children’s work at the end of 2022/23 and now will no longer be using it to receive messages.

Parents who wish to communicate with their class teacher should do so through the SchoolsNI App. A “contact your teacher” form will be appearing soon and this form will email your child's teacher directly. It is important to remember that you can use this form at any time to send a message, however, teachers will not reply outside school hours and may be unable to reply while teaching their class or on their lunch.

Leaving a message with the school office is the most effective way to get an immediate message to your child's class teacher, this frees teachers up from having to respond to emails unnecessarily.