Primary 3 & 4's Trip to CCA!
Primary 3 & 4 got invited down to CCA to see their new exhibition, URGENCIES (2025). It was set up by emerging artists connected to our region and what they feel are their current concerns. The children loved it and showed a lot of interest. They asked lots of questions and really got involved with the discussions on the different pieces of art. The children after seeing the exhibition got to work with artist, Matthew on a piece of artwork. The children had to think of a place that was special to them and why. They then had to create a superhero that would look after their special place. The children really enjoyed this activity and came up with some great superheroes. Some children even shared their work with the rest of the class at the end of the session. Super work Primary 3 & 4!
Fountain Primary School, 18 Hawkin St, Londonderry BT48 6RD Phone: 028 7137 4909