Access Keys:

Fountain Primary School, Londonderry

Police Visit

24th Jun 2024

On Wednesday, Primary 4, 5, 6 and 7 had a very exciting morning as the police arrived at our school to inform us that a crime had been committed. A man had broken into the school with a hammer and had stolen Mr Torney's phone and keys. They were given a description of the suspect and had to keep a lookout for them. 

They then found the suspect in the MUGA and police officer Rebecca alerted her team. Within minutes other police officers and their sniffer dog were on the scene. We watched how the police dog was able to track the suspect by his scent and alert the police officers. We then had the opportunity to ask the police officers questions about their police dogs and their training. 

Next we went to the assembly hall where there was a crime scene set up. Some of the boys and girls got kitted out in CSI gear as they had to identify the evidence and safely collect it. 

Finally back in our classroom we got the opportunity to brush the evidence with powder to find fingerprints and then transfer the fingerprints onto card using tape. Everyone then got to take their own fingerprint and see how they were all different. 

It was a very informative morning for everyone and a big thank you to the police officers for making the activities so realistic and fun!