Today I had my first meeting of the year with our PATHS coordinator Lindsay. Lindsay has been working with the school for 4 years now on the PATHS programme and all the children know and recognise her. We talked about the plan for PATHS in our school for the year ahead… and we’re really excited!
Children from Primary 1 to Primary 7 take part in weekly PATHS activities which allow them to recognise and understand emotional well-being in themselves and others. This covers a key part of our PDMU curriculum in school and helps the children with life in school as well as outside school.
Nursery currently use some parts of the Primary 1 programme and incorporate them into the Nursery classroom. This includes, classroom rules, PATHS Child of the Day, making friends and managing anger and distress.
The PATHS Child of the Day will run in each classroom on a daily basis and will allow the children to develop responsibility as classroom helpers. They will wear special ID for the day and help staff around the classroom. All children will take it in turns to be the Child of the Day and will be chosen the day before. This will be done by picking a name from the ‘I have not had a turn’ pot. Names will only be returned to this pot when all children have had a turn at being the Child of the Day.
Lindsay has asked me to share Barnardo’s Privacy Statement with our parents so that you are all aware of it.
-Mr Torney
Fountain Primary School, 18 Hawkin St, Londonderry BT48 6RD Phone: 028 7137 4909