Meeting our Long Tower Friends!
Primary 3 & 4 had their first Shared Education session with Long Tower last week. Our topic this year is Bridges. The children had a great time meeting their Long Tower class. We played lots of ice breaker games which they all really got involved with, while finding out lots about their buddies! The children had snack together and outside play, which they really enjoyed. We then got into our topic and read the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff and talked about the bridge in the story. This then lead us on to the bridges that are in our town and other famous bridges around the world. The children were all really intrigued and lots of discussions and questions were asked around bridges! They are all excited for our next session in the New Year!
Fountain Primary School, 18 Hawkin St, Londonderry BT48 6RD Phone: 028 7137 4909