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Fountain Primary School, Londonderry

Important Updates

3rd Sep 2021


Swimming will commence from Thursday 9th of September. Swimming is available, free of charge, for all children aged 8 and over. If your child is going swimming, they should come to school in PE uniform. The bus will leave children home after swimming or alternatively parents can collect them at 3:45pm from Foyle Arena.



All parents/guardians have been provided with Seesaw Family codes. It is extremely important that all families sign in using these codes as it is one of the main forms of communication between teachers and parents.

Links to both iOS App Store and Google Play Store can be found at the link below:


SchoolsNI App

The SchoolsNI App is another vital form of communication that the school will be using to relay information with parents. It is the primary source of all news and general school information. By downloading the app (links below) you can see all news posted to the school website and receive important notifications to your phone.




Easy Fundraising

A quick update to thank all parents/guardians for all their help in our Easy Fundraising efforts.

So far we have had excellent support with this and hope you will all continue to help the school raise funds. £120 has been raised by 23 supporters and we are extremely grateful for it. It’s a really easy way to support the school by just doing your normal shopping.

You can download the app on both iOS and Android and simply by shopping you can help the school to raise even more.

Links to both iOS App Store and Google Play Store can be found at the link below: