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Fountain Primary School, Londonderry

Christmas Day

19th Dec 2023

What a day!

We packed everything into the busiest day of the year so far.

This morning at 10:30 am we went to Carlisle Road Presbyterian for our Christmas worship. We had a lovely service where all classes sang to the congregation in collective worship. Thanks again to Phoebe who gave our children’s address about the grumpy old owl.

We came back to school and at 11:30 am had our Christmas Raffle. There were so many prizes on offer and well done to those who won prizes.

After the raffle, we had our Christmas dinner. It was lovely, Nicole and Denise did a great job and our tummies were all full to the brim!

We had some special visitors in the afternoon. The Maiden City Garrison Fife and Lambed Drumming Club joined us to play a bit of music and we were even joined by the man himself…. SANTA! Santa took a break from preparing all the Christmas presents for children around the world and came to visit us, he gave us all a selection box to take home.

Finally, to end the afternoon, we presented some of the staff with gifts for all their hard work throughout the year and some extra special gifts to Mrs Spence on her retirement. We wish you all the best!

What a wonderful day in school and it was amazing to see smiles all day.

Thank you to everyone involved.