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Fountain Primary School, Londonderry

Bring your Adult to School Day!

11th Mar 2025

Primary 1 & 2 are so excited to be able to bring an adult to school to show off all their learning and what they get to do in class. They are excited to be able to work with their adult to complete many different play-based activities related to Spring and our topic 'Once Upon a Time. These activities include designing and decorating crowns, building pictures using natural objects, creating spring chicks, building the tallest towers using 3D shapes, acting out fairytales using stick puppets and other props, a mini beast scavenger hunt and playing games. Its time for your children to teach you! 😊

We look forward to welcoming you all,

Where: P1 & 2 classroom

When: Wednesday 19th March

Time: 9.30 -10.30