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Fountain Primary School, Londonderry

March Book Fair

19th Feb 2025

This year we are very lucky to be hosting a Scholastic Book Fair! The book fair will run from 14/03/25 – 21/03/25 and it is a great chance for our children to “try before you buy”.

There is lots of information on the Scholastic website about the fair, but the most important part is THIS SITE which outlines some of the books that are available. Please be aware that not all books on the website will be at the fair. There is also stationery which is available for purchase.

Classes will be visiting the Book Fair throughout the week that it is with us, giving them a chance to experience the books before they commit to buying anything.

This fair will be run with cash and all books must be paid for in school. Buying books from the fair in school gives us more rewards.

We wanted to give parents as much notice about this as possible, but will be sending reminders closer to the time.