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Fountain Primary School, Londonderry

News - Primary 5/6/7

2023/2024 School Year

26th Jun 2024
What a fantastic send-off for our P7 leavers in 2024. We will all miss you so much...
25th Jun 2024
What a fantastic day we had for our end of year trip to Inish Adventures in Moville.  Once...
24th Jun 2024
On Wednesday, Primary 4, 5, 6 and 7 had a very exciting morning as the police arrived...
19th Jun 2024
As part of our World Around Us topic, 'Walls and Bridges', Primary 5, 6 and 7 have...
22nd May 2024
Over the past few weeks, Primary5/6/7 have enjoyed working together with Primary...
21st Mar 2024
Primary 5/6/7 were delighted to welcome Bobby, from Hope North West to our class....
11th Mar 2024
Last week Primary 5/6/7 were working hard in Literacy as they created their very...
27th Feb 2024
Last week, P5/6/7 travelled to Shantallow Community Centre for the 'YES (Youth Educated...
23rd Jan 2024
P5/6/7 were delighted to welcome back Karen to take part in 'Connect and Nurture'...
10th Jan 2024
We 'kicked' off the year in Primary 5/6/7 by reflecting on 2023 and thinking ahead...