Welcome to P3/4
Primary 4 & 5 are busy but enjoyable years for your child. They make the transition from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 at the end of Primary 4. At this stage we are trying to mould assertive, creative and competitive young individuals for the world ahead.
In Primary 4 & 5 our aim is to develop a broad, balanced and fun curriculum, where children will gain a multitude of opportunities to develop new skills in the different areas of learning. We try and make our learning as exciting and engaging as possible and differentiated for all the different needs and learners that we have.
Primary 4 & 5 really enjoy participating in shared lessons with other schools which is great to help build friendships, confidence and respect for others.
-Mrs Mullan
Primary 3 & 4's Trip to CCA!

Lots of Learning in Primary 3 & 4!

Fountain Primary School, 18 Hawkin St, Londonderry BT48 6RD Phone: 028 7137 4909