Access Keys:

Fountain Primary School, Londonderry


Safeguarding the well-being of our pupils is of the utmost importance in Fountain Primary School. We believe that all children have the basic right to receive their education in a proactive and caring environment. This should be free from humiliation, oppression and all forms of abuse: emotional, sexual, physical, neglect and exploitation. The welfare of the child is paramount in all that we do.

Our Child Protection Policy aims to support the child's development in ways which will foster security, confidence, and independence. It is central to the well-being of the pupils and is seen as an essential part of all aspects of the curriculum.


Our Safeguarding Team is made up of the following:

Mr William Lynn
Mr William Lynn

-Chairman of the Board of Govenors
-Church Representative (St. Columb's Cathedral)

Mr Derek Moore
Mr Derek Moore

-Education Authority Representative
-Designated Governor for Child Protection

Mrs S Donnell
Mrs S Donnell

-Designated Teacher (Child Protection)
-Nurture Teacher

Mrs H Graydon
Mrs H Graydon

-Senior Leadership Teacher
-Deputy Designated Teacher (Child Protection)
-Literacy Coordinator
-Nursery Teacher 

Mr S Torney
Mr S Torney

P5/6/7 Teacher
LSC (Special Needs)



If you have a Child Protection concern please contact the Designated Teacher (Mrs Donnell), Deputy Designated Teacher (Mrs Graydon) or the Principal (Mr Torney).

Please visit our Policies page to find our Safeguarding Policy and other related documents.

Other useful contacts

Social Services: Gateway Team 028 71 314 090
Social Services: Out of Hours 028 95 049 999
PSNI: 101 (Ask for Public Protection Unit)